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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

[PS3] release: eEID_RKDumper. Converting your PS3 into a Debug console finally made easy!


Developer Flatz just released eEID_RKDumper, a homebrew for 3.55 PS3 that will dump your console’s eEID keys directly from GameOS.
These keys are necessary to convert your console into a Debug console. Until now, retrieving these keys required you to install OtherOS (Linux) on your PS3, and run a series of utilities from there. This is not the case anymore, and you can retrieve these keys with the push of a button.

Converting your PS3 into a Debug console (DEX) has many advantages, one of them being that you can run official blu rays up to 4.20 without losing homebrew compatibility (assuming you know where to find the debug firmwares). It also have a few drawbacks, one of them being that you will lose dvd/blu ray playback.
This tool was the missing bit to make the CEX to DEX conversion “Noob proof”. From what I can see, it wouldn’t be surprising to see very soon a tool that does everything directly on your PS3, but for now, the process has become easy enough.

How to convert your PS3 into a Debug console

Please note that this requires you to flash stuff, and then flash more stuff. The keys used are unique per console, so don’t try to get them from somebody else, you would brick! It is recommended that you have a hardware unbricker (such as the E3 Flasher) and a clean dump of your flash handy before your start. Buying a hardware downgrader after you messed up is not going to save you if you don’t have a clean dump of the console somewhere.

You will need the following tools: MultiMan, BlackBox FTP, CEX2DEX, eEID_RKDumper. You will also need a DEX Firmware if you want this to actually be useful, here.
The whole process takes about 10 minutes!
  1. Dump your current Flash in multiman (mmOS->Select any file->Open in HEX viewer->[SELECT]->[START]->DUMP LV2(NO)->DUMP LV1(NO)->DUMP FLASH(YES)). Update: some people are having trouble with this step. While I’m confirming this, please try to use memdump instead if you are having issues with the multiman solution.
  2. Run eEID_RKDumper, this will do a black screen then go back to the XMB, this is normal.
  3. Retrieve your Flash and the eEID keys from your console by connecting to blackboxftp (note, the eeid keys are in /dev_hdd0/tmp/eid_root_key)
  4. Run CEX2DEX on your keys + Flash in order to create a DEX Flash
  5. Copy the DEX Flash to your PS3
  6. Install the DEX update by pressing “X” twice on it in multiman
  7. Reboot, from there you can install a DEX Firmware and enjoy
eEID_RKDumper by flatz, credits go to naehrwert for the spu code
source flatz via eussNL and VettacossX

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