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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

PS3 Full Core Dump - Is This What True Blue Does?

Recent news regarding PsDev's Core_OS Dump brought the following to my attention. PS3 'scener' harryoke recently announced some information he got from an Anonymous source. While investigating ways to get a full core dump from his PS3, this Anon source shed some light on the subject while referencing some additional information he got from cfwprophet. Allot of speculation circles the subject but this does make one wonder, as the rumors suggest, if this is how True Blue modded their EBOOTS. Especially with all the fuss made regarding the leaked CEX2DEX method.

About Ps3 Core Dump POC:
hello there my you may or may not know i have been looking into the possability to get a full core dump from my ps3....a few hours ago i was sent a pm from ANON ... here it is....
Hey mate,

Yeh cfwprophet told something about the ram dump too. you can make a core dump on a dex.
here is a quote from him:
"I say it now for the last time: There is NO fself for new games !! TrueBlue use the CoreDump function and a RSX exception to dump the games like i told the scene for over a half year." Take MultiMan 04.02 which is a Retail NPDRM >> enable core dump function >> start MultiMan >> exit to XMB and be surprised. The Coredump function is a embended system of the debug FW and get handled of liblv2dbg. The send signal call aka send_signal_to_coredump_handler() and the trigger function are always running and CAN NOT be deactivated."
He also said that you will get one 250MB file. there you have to search the decrypted file(s). It would be pretty sure that they use this method, because newer games wouldnt have debug eboots or fselfs. If you open a tb eboot with a hex editor, you will see near at the end , that they stand right after the codes some passages with 'liblv2'. if you open a original eboot , you cant find passages with 'liblv2'. Like cfwprophet said, the core dump get handled of 'liblv2dbg' and you can find 'liblv2' passages in tb eboots. so they use coredump pretty sure.
But the problem is to trigger a crash or so. i really dont know. im not a dev and dont have an idea. I just wanted to tell you this infos because I saw your post about coredump.
I look forward to comments made by our resident developers. Additional SCE information can be found via the source.

*Please note that this proof of concept refers to those running DEX/Debug consoles. The above research is for information purposes for those wanting to learn.


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