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Monday, August 20, 2012

Help The Ps Vita Hackers: DevKit Fund Raising Announced The Ps Vita Scene Is About To Take Off!

 In the PlayStation3 scene, the progress went much easier since development kits and testkits are available to several developers.

 In the PS VITA scene there is no

 such kit available to any

 developer, yet.

So far we only have PSP emulator exploits which won't help
 much for the VITA progress at all, so I talked about the idea 
of a fund raising with active VITA developers and it was 
pretty welcomed, so we decided to start one right now.

With a PS VITA DevKit we will have the same advanatages which the PS3 kits brought due 2008:

- file system access
- unsigned code execution
- debugger possibility
- etc etc etc

To enhance the speed of the VITA research a development kit would help A LOT as you know. The kit will be shared with all trusted VITA developers so anyone has a piece of the cake to use it for the work done for you - the community.

The PS VITA DevKits have a license expire function which you might heard of. This causes the VITA to stop working after 3 months if official developers do not renew the license. Dont worry, we have a way around this already, else we would not ask :)

To prevent legel trouble for the one who will receive the kit, I can not offer a list of names here who contributes and supports this task, but rest assured that the right people will have access to it to finally bring the VITA scene progress forward!

The necessary sum is 2000€ which is:
1,900€ - devkit itself
100€ - shipping costs

The worldwide PlayStation scene community is very 
huge so we hope enough people want to see magic 
happens on the VITA and support this project with a
 small donation.

Thanks in advance 

- VITA developers


Help SKFU PS VITA DevKit Fund Raising

VITA DevKit Fund Raising

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