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Friday, March 23, 2012

High Orbit Ion Cannon ddos Tool Re-Upload via popular demand :D Do it for the Lulz! Someone has 2!

 Description: High Orbit Ion Canon 2.1

To comment on the astute observation of the previous commenter "torgis" If by chance, intuitiveness, or sheer curiosity you had taken the time to investigate the claim by your Virus Checker that blacklisted this program as a Trojan; you may have found something other then your original assessment of the program and it's contents. The purpose and intent of the program itself, being a denial of service flood attacker, has in the eyes of the Virus Checker programmers, been classified as a Trojan. Just another instance of people in authority trying to pull the proverbial wool over your eyes and steer you in directions they wish you to go. Here is MS security essentials description of the file. (HackTool:Win32/Oylecann.A is a tool that may be used to send a flood of network packets, like TCP, UDP and HTTP, to a designated target.designated target.) In other words, it will do what it is supposed to. Never follow blindly, QUESTION EVERYTHING!

This is anon\'s newest tool, High Orbit Ion Cannon. It is to be used as a network 
testing tool. \"wink wink\" Seed!!!!! 
Version 2.1.003 
Use a booster to boost up the power! You can also make new boosters. 
Specialize a booster and post it as HOICB00ster_________  Insert blank 
with your handle/nickname/tag whatever. Seed and LUTZ!!!!!!! and Lulz 
 Size: 2.24 MB



 (download and install UTORRENT if you need p2p bitclient)

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