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Saturday, October 22, 2011

We hacked Sony once again 4 the lulz of it PS HOME BANNING IS REASON ENOUGH GLASSWALLS HAHAHA...- 93,000 accounts compromised with brute-force attack

 warning users against a massive bruteforce 

attack against PlayStation and Sony network 

accounts. The attack – which used password and 

user ID combinations from an unidentified third-

party source – (waves) 

succeeded in compromising 60,000 PlayStation

 Network and 33,000 Sony Online Entertainment 

network accounts. These accounts have been 

locked and passwords reset.

The attack took place between October 7 and 10 and succeeded in matching valid sign-in IDs. According to a blog post by Philip Reitinger, Sony's Chief Information Security Officer, credit card details were not compromised.Both the motive for the latest attack against Sony network users and the identity of the perpetrator(s) remains unclear. Sony shut down its PlayStation Network in April in the aftermath of a far more damaging hack attack. The service wasn't restored until a month later. Personal information on 77 million account-holders was exposed as a result of the April PlayStation hack. Details including names, addresses, passwords and purchase histories was exposed by the megahack.

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