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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Behind The Music Wth YTCRACKER Keepin it Nerdy Nice! Some More Geektastic Tunes from YTCRACKER and Crew!


the story behind the music video for “the link”

i began pondering the concept of this video while i was very scientific with my buddy lieutenant wombat at his apartment. i gave a brain dump of my ideas in a decidedly disheveled and cryptic email to doctor octoroc, who executed the animation all by himself based on my shitty design document. the resulting piece of art blew my mind.
i wanted an alien civilization that somehow received my music through a giant antenna and basically lived their entire lives as if my music was the gospel of their people. to honor me, the aliens all wear white hats and engage in various activities that i have rapped about in the past. the video begins in a speaker, thumping to ye olde bass drum by my partner in crime,dicepticon (the other half of wisely syndicate and frequent collaborator). as the music plays, the sound waves travel out of the solar system and to my adoring fans a billion galaxies away.
the underpinning theme of the video is that nerd life is a productive, amazing, and totally righteous way to exist. a pastiche of images illustrating these aliens doing digital gangster ass shit coupled with the visage of my attractive 8-bit face rapping on every big screen in every building follows the lyrical content of the song. you see aliens playing video games, going to holographic ytcracker concerts, recording songs, djing, spamming, flying spaceships, etc. they are all having an amazing time.
during the first hook, an oil leak occurs off of the coast, ruining the ocean and killing the sea life. this is in reference to the bp disaster that took place last year. instead of being tied up in bureaucratic red tape and bullshit (like it was here in the US), a council of alien scientists convene and discuss how to address the problem. after a brief deliberation, the scientists decide to throw bales of marijuana into the oil-infested waters to soak up the rude crude. crisis averted.
the cinematics during the second hook reference the eyjafjallajökull (ay-ya-fyalla-yokel, lol mouthful) volcano in iceland last year that grounded flights in europe. three well-known nintendo heroes (link, mario, and megaman) come to visit me as if i were the wizard of oz. after i entrust the group with godly elemental powers (in the form of colored and inscribed coins, no less), the brave warriors ascend to the top of an erupting volcano. the nerd life heroes unify their abilities and work together to extinguish the flame, completing their quest and gaining x levels.
at this point, the video rapidly zooms out, replaying the sequence of events in reverse. PLEASE NOTE: this is before the movie inception came out. i will be suing christopher nolan in the near future for his transgressions because i am the one who invented things in things in things in things. the final planetary shot is of a couple bosses sitting in the antenna/broadcast/receiver building control room, monitoring the entire population of the planet. from here, the music video zooms out into a macro view of various galaxies, showing other civilizations receiving and relaying the nerd life broadcast to the end music of the game “kung-fu.”
finally, the screen slowly fades into the speaker from whence our journey started, because the universe is in a speaker. deep, man – real deep.
“a fucking egotistical video, this is.” – yoda

jace hall feat. ytcracker – lol money

mc frontalot – zero day (f. dual core and ytcracker)

this video is inspired (or loosely based, rather) on john stamos’s career up to and ending with his run on the popular television series “full house” as uncle jesse. i think you’ll find we’ve compiled a fairly accurate account of the statements made in mr. stamos’s own memoirs.

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