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Friday, June 24, 2011

Operation Anti-Security: Anonymous release the identities of 2800 Columbian Black Eagles Special Police Unit members

Hacktivist group Anonymous today posted the names of 2800 of the right-wing Columbian Black Eagles Special Police Unit's members online, the published data has been credited as part of it and LulzSec's ongoing Operation Anti-Security.
The AUC faction the group originated from was an umbrella organisation of death squads designed to combat the Columbia's leftist guerrilla fighters and generate income through drug trafficking.
The group is commonly thought to have no centralised authority and is fragmented into different cells each with its own chain of command.
The Black Eagles group is infamous for its involvement in numerous massacres and mass displacements across Columbia. As well as drug trafficking, certain cells have been linked to kidnapping, extortion and racketeering.
The release was credited as being a part of it and LulzSec's ongoing Operation Anti-Security. The operation is a new cyber campaign led by the two hacking collectives designed to protest and combat any and all institutions or governments attempts to censor or moderate the internet.
Already its brother-in-arms LulzSec has taken credit for attacks and hacks on Arizona law enforcement, the U.K.'s Serious Organised Crime Agency and two Brazilian Government owned websites.


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