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Friday, June 24, 2011

Leaked Los Angeles police documents: Radical Islamic Tattoos

 On June 23rd, 2011, a relatively new hacker group called Lulz Security, released a 450MB public torrent containing raw documents from Arizona law enforcement. The documents included internal e-mails, training manuals, classified FBI reports, and a variety of other confidential materials.

For sure you will be hearing much more about the contents of the leak but one early document I thought worth noting, is a 15-page PDF (below) titled "Radical Islamist Tattoos" by Deputy John Williams of the Los Angeles County Sheriff Department.

It is important to note that tattoos are discouraged in Islam, so these tattoos would most likely lead law enforcement down a very misleading path.

In addition, the confused nature of some of the "Islamic" tattoo designs, content and messaging suggests that the photos primarily depict people bearing gang-appropriated Islamic symbols or new convert tattoo art.

Certainly not the militant Islamists under our beds that Deputy John Williams would have us see in LA. The good deputy is criminalizing inner city youth.

(Source of original image)

Game over. It's all over the Interwebs.

"Report any sighting" of "a radical Islamic tattoo" to "your local Terrorism Liaison Offiver (TLO) and Joint Regional Intelligence Center". And for your Moment of Zen: "As you would suspect, the true meaning of each tattoo rests entirely with the wearer alone." And with free tautology.

The names of these groups do not seem to be known external militant groups. It is possible they could be prison groups. "Lone Wolfs" or "Lone Wolves"?

Watch out for tattoos showing Muslims praying or reading the Qu'ran.

The "radical Christian tattoo" on the right, with the scary Arabic words "Belief" and "Unity" helpfully translated.

Hamas is a Palestinian group. Its crossed swords symbol is differently oriented. The photo is of Baghdad's Victory Arch, based on a concept sketch made by president Saddam Hussein. The sculpture commemorates the Iran Iraq war. The top right tattoo of "Hezb Allah" is on top of a tattoo of Africa. Not Hamasland.

"What have the Romans ever done for us?" The new threat: Latin-speaking Islamic terrorists.

"Taqiyya" is a Shia concept giving dispensation to conceal your beliefs under threat. It is not something that any Shia would be proud of, or write on their arm. If the image is of Bin Laden (picture under the word), he is Sunni. The tattoo design is therefore very confused. This looks like a new convert who doesn't grasp much about the faith yet. On the left, the word "Rasul" (translated "prophet"), would suggest this is an image of the Prophet Mohammed, which is prohibited in Islam.

"Stacy"? This slide will help you spot radical Stacy lovers.

School Of the Americas maybe?

I wonder what terrorist piercings look like?

With 1 in 100 Americans in jail, the highest incarceration rate in the world, you better hope that there's radicalization happening. Surely we can't all be asleep?

Meanwhile, LulzBoat has a new theme song...You May Have Noticed It Playing When You Visit The Blog LOL


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